How to reach Kasa d’Vizin
Our Kasa is located on Santo Antao, the green island of Cabo Verde. Unfortunatly our nice island does not have an active airport. So to reach us you’ll have to fly to Cesária Évora International Airport (VXE) on Sao Vicente.
From there you have to take the ferry to Santo Antao, the trip from the airport to the harbour is about 20 minutes by taxi (there are plenty waiting for you). There is a daily ferry at 07:00, 14:00 and at 15:00. To buy a ticket from the teeny ticket office left from the entrance of the waiting room you need to present a passport per passenger. Do not try to buy a ticket online, they are really scared if you do that 🙂
Price of the taxi drive: 1000 CVE
Price of the ferry ticket: 800 CVE
Always check the ferry schedules, either by contacting us, or check on the website of CV InterIlhas
It’s best to get some cash at the airport (there is a reliable ATM next to the bar) as cash is still the most used means of payment and widely accepted.
After a boat trip of 40 minutes you reach Porto Nova, where you will be greeted by a horde of aluguer drivers who want to take you. You will have to ask them where they are going, you need to find one that goes to **************. Be sure to drive it in ‘collectivo’. It will cost you something of 350/400 CVE to be dropped on our doorstep.